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Hair Artistry
My hair salon is located in Ventura, CA and if you're looking to go brunette or blonde, I'm the stylist you're looking for in Ventura, Los Angeles or Santa Barbara Counties. I have people drive over to get the right hair color all the way from Beverly Hills, San Diego, Orange County, and Santa Barbara as well as the city of Ventura locals. I've been matching different shades of blond, red, and brunette, I mention these because they are the most popular but also do some of the new hair styles and colors that today's generation has embraced. Call me and setup an appointment so we can get you the right color and the overall right look. Look better equals FEEL BETTER!
Can you pull off red hair....?
Call and make an appointment today!
Brunette to Red Hair Color
Multiple service discounts available!
Brunette to different shades of blond
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